
Tuesday 25th June

Links to the papers have been added to the authors
Opening Keynote
Professor Mary Stuart
“Different mobilities and learner biographies - social mobility and higher education” 

2.00 to 3.00 pm slot

Researching adult education history: current position, future prospects

Ann Swinney
Policy discourses in Scotland: adult literacy and social exclusion

The Thumbless hand, the dog and the chameleon: enriching social movement learning theory through epistemically grounded narratives emerging from a participatory action research case study in Ghana

Using Social media spaces within the Feminist movement Hollaback: Slacktivism or successful adult learning?

Critical traditions in Canadian adult education: Social movements, university scholarship and discursive transitions

3.30 to 4.30 pm slot
Discussant Patricia Gouthro
Transitions without institutions: a symposium on self-help literature as a contested site of adult learning

Dilemmas in mobilizing adult education programs: a reflexive exploration of program renewal in the context of disciplinary crisis

Managing difference and diversity in higher education: the limitations of widening participation discourses

Activity-based instructional design to enhance student mobility

Collaboration or Integration: Institutional responses to changing tertiary policy in three countries