Wednesday 26th June
Links to the papers have been added to the authors2.00 to 3.00 pm slot
Poster Presentations – Images will be made available following the conference
John Fitzgibbon Our Evolving Understanding of Student
Mobility in British Columbia
Robert Ingram and Jim Gallagher
Short-Cycle Higher Education Programmes in the context of 21st Century Labour Markets: Ensuring that they are effective
Developing sustainable competences through the whole professional life
Community university engagement and the politics of redistribution, recognition and participation
Karin Dollhausen
Institutional Mobility: The Role of Higher
Education Institutions as providers of Adult Education
Using online tools in the conduct of research in
the education of adults: a methodological round table
Teaching across the generations: The adult learning environment and
generational diversity3.30 to 4.30 time slot
Ruth Whittaker, Julie
Brown and Heather Gibson
Challenging practices in recognition of prior
informal learning in Scottish Higher Education: Supporting more flexible
learning pathwaysUniversity students and their working pathways
Mobilizing sexual and gender minorities in mainstream lifelong learning: bolstering social learning
Boundaries Blurred and Reconceived: How Popular Culture Functions Pedagogically Across Borders
Mike Brown, Deb Brown
and Mary Burston
Learning from the 2009 Victorian bushfires: the
learning dimension associated with bushfire recovery in the Latrobe Valley,
AustraliaPainting us in: using diverse ethnography and art participatory approaches to invite engagement