Wednesday afternoon

Wednesday 26th June

Links to the papers have been added to the authors
2.00 to 3.00 pm slot

Poster Presentations – Images will be made available following the conference         
John Fitzgibbon Our Evolving Understanding of Student Mobility in British Columbia

DonMackie I’m Different – Same as everyone else:  Hidden barriers to transition at different stages of learning

Robert Ingram and Jim Gallagher
Short-Cycle Higher Education Programmes in the context of 21st Century Labour Markets: Ensuring that they are effective

Developing sustainable competences through the whole professional life

Community university engagement and the politics of redistribution, recognition and participation

Karin Dollhausen
Institutional Mobility: The Role of Higher Education Institutions as providers of Adult Education

Using online tools in the conduct of research in the education of adults: a methodological round table

Teaching across the generations:  The adult learning environment and generational diversity

3.30 to 4.30 time slot
Ruth Whittaker, Julie Brown and Heather Gibson
Challenging practices in recognition of prior informal learning in Scottish Higher Education: Supporting more flexible learning pathways

University students and their working pathways

Mobilizing sexual and gender minorities in mainstream lifelong learning: bolstering social learning

Boundaries Blurred and Reconceived: How Popular Culture Functions Pedagogically Across Borders

Mike Brown, Deb Brown and Mary Burston
Learning from the 2009 Victorian bushfires: the learning dimension associated with bushfire recovery in the Latrobe Valley, Australia

Painting us in: using diverse ethnography and art participatory approaches to invite engagement